Abdulrahman WAZZAN

As a results-oriented web developer specializing in Laravel for over five years and Node.js for over a year, I consistently lead projects to achieve up to 90% customer satisfaction. I utilize AWS for dependable deployments and expedite code-to-market by 30% through CI/CD pipelines. My commitment to maintainable architectures is complemented by comprehensive documentation. In collaborative environments, I excel in task prioritization and meeting deadlines, while continually optimizing code for peak performance.

Work experience

Innovation Factory Dubai, UAE · On-site
Senior Back-end Developer
May 2023 – Present

  • Leading the development of a multi-vendor e-commerce API using Nest.js and Laravel.
  • Deployed project on AWS, ensuring high availability, reliability, and scalability.
  • Established a Bitbucket Pipeline for CI/CD, accelerating code deployment cycles by 30%.
  • Adopted microservices architecture, improving system scalability and modularity by 30%.
  • Utilized MongoDB, enhancing product module performance by 30%.
  • Maintained comprehensive project documentation in Confluence, including ERD, SRS, and various diagrams, improving project transparency by 40%.

AJXB Dubai, UAE · On-site
Senior Back-end Developer
Nov 2021 – Apr 2023

  • Delivered a Laravel API for a booking app with a team of two, achieving 95% customer satisfaction.
  • Reduced development time by 15% and increased customer satisfaction by 10% through effective SRS and requirements management, utilizing Confluence for documentation.
  • Applied domain-driven design, cut code complexity by 40%, and boosted maintainability by 30%.
  • Utilized the factory design pattern to enable multi-payment gateway support, streamlining development efforts by 30% and enhancing payment flexibility for platforms like Stripe and PayPal.
  • Lowered end-user bugs by 25% using automated tests.
  • Halved admin panel development time using Laravel Nova.
  • Saved over 25% of project management time using Jira and Bitbucket.
  • Improved AWS management efficiency by 30% through Laravel Forge.
  • Reduced initial setup time by 40% using Laravel Sail.
  • Boosted API consumer experience by 30% using Postman and Scribe.

Roynex Aleppo, Syria · On-site
Mid Back-end Developer
Sep 2020 – Aug 2021

  • Delivered dental labs management API on time and within budget, earning 95% customer satisfaction.
  • Boosted DB performance by 40% via query and index tuning.
  • Implemented state design pattern in treatment module, reducing code complexity and maintainability by 70%.
  • Created advanced query filter for custom reports, reducing generation time by 75%.
  • Designed an invoicing system that reduced billing time by 50% and improved accuracy by 100%.
  • Deployed Laravel project to Virtualmin with 99.8% uptime.

Junior Full-stack Developer
Sep 2018 – Aug 2020

E-learning App:

  • Developed Laravel-based APIs for e-learning apps, resulting in a 30% rise in student participation and better learning outcomes.
  • Developed online exams, boosting e-learning engagement by 25%.
  • Created financial features that cut reporting time by 20%.

Freelancer service market:

  • Delivered an economical app with a 90% customer satisfaction rate.
  • Developed a chat system with Laravel Echo Server, increasing user interaction by 40%.
  • Increased user retention by 20% through targeted Firebase notifications.
  • Developed a review and rating system, increasing active engagements by 10%.

Resto App:

  • Developed a restaurant app API using Laravel, completed within budget and time constraints, leading to a 20% increase in online orders and 90% customer satisfaction.
  • Implemented real-time order tracking in the restaurant app, improving order management efficiency by 20%.

Junior .Net Developer
Mar 2018 – Aug 2018

  • Developed a desktop dental lab accounting application, resulting in a significant 40% increase in lab productivity and a 50% reduction in errors.
  • Established project goals and timelines with stakeholders for successful completion.
  • Utilized MSSQL and .NET WinForms to engineer high-performance and efficient software solutions.

Open Source

Laravel API DDD Boilerplate
Laravel Domain-Driven Design structured project with common packages preinstalled and configured.


Bachelor of IT Engineering (BIT)Aleppo University Aleppo, Syria
2016 – 2021

  • Learned Algorithms and Data Structures via C++ and Java.
  • Covered Graph Theory, Database Design, and SQL.
  • Investigated techniques in Parallel Programming and Distributed Systems.
  • Understood principles of Software Engineering, Design Patterns, and Project Management.
  • Familiarized with Operating Systems, Microcontrollers, and Compiler Construction.
  • Contributed to web applications in the Real Estate and Tourism sectors.
  • Focused on AI disciplines including Prolog, NN, and NLP.


AngularJS & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack GuideUdemy Online
Apr 2023

English - Upper intermediate CProjects SY Aleppo, Syria
Nov 2022

ASP .Net Core MVCProjects SY Aleppo, Syria
Sep 2019

Advanced Programming using C# & SQLCPC Aleppo, Syria
Nov 2017


English · Arabic


Cloud and DevOps

  • AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, OpenSearch)
  • VPS
  • Docker
  • CI/CD Pipelines
  • Git-flow

Programming Paradigms and Methodologies

  • OOP
  • Design Patterns
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
  • MVC


  • Laravel
  • NestJS
  • ASP .NET Core
  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • .Net WinForms

Languages and Scripting

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • C#
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Effective communication
  • Time Management
  • Teamwork